The darkside of small town living…

Author Archives: smalltownknowitalls


Let us, for a second, recognize that this guy was pretty creepy and kind of gross.  Let us also recognize that I saw a hobo shit in the alley this morning when I waiting for the bus downtown, and public urination is something that I’m fairly confident 99% of us has done at some point, especially when drinking.

These ladies are JUST getting started though.  Sooooo many comments.  I’m going to have a hard time choosing which ones represent the cream of the crop.  Stay on the edge of your seats, folks….

Somebody urinated in public (legal, actually) and had an open container in public (oddly, also legal in our county) and HEADS are going to FUCKING ROLL.

It’s also going to take me all day to screencap and edit people’s names out but I will persevere because this shit is hilarious.

Honestly we just had to laugh. The joys of a good small town yard sale. 




Do not disparage Brandi! Life in small town America often mimics a really bad after school special.  I’d like to wax poetic about “kindness kills”. Kindness does not kill…it breeds. 

Sometimes it’s fun just to straight up troll people.  Although he was just doing people a favor by not making them notice the diesel prices at the other two gas stations in town.


I have so many questions about this.  Why was there $3.5K in the walls of the hotel? Why can’t the owner of the hotel be found? What kind of people are staying at this hotel, pirates? Who carries that kind of booty around in <TOWN REDACTED BUT COME ON!>?

The only thing not in question is that is one ingenious FB alias.  Kudos Mike.

I cannot stop laughing at Mike C. Rawtch



This lovely inmate is going with the jedi mind trick/see no evil look for this mug shot. Niiiiiice.




Jeff remembers his stolen bicycle from two years ago with a lovely clear nail polish gloss. His one and only response is from a woman at 1:46am who boldly asks “You like clear finger nail polish??”.